My works explore the relationship between man and digital technology and the effects that result from it.

Its are made up of waste materials, mostly coaxial and electrical cables, which I recover in the landfill and ecological collection centres of my city.

Old cables, previously conductors and artificers of connection between human beings, reworked, intertwined, simulate organic forms, resemble myological  filaments or circulatory systems.

My works criticize the senseless production process, the planned obsolescence of objects and the consumer contemporary society, guilty of poor ecological conscience.


Personal Exhibition
Palazzo della Cultura “P. Crupi” patrocinata dalla Città Metropolitana di Reggio Calabria

At the Palace of Culture “P. Crupi” in Reggio Calabria “Tre Sale Cablate” the personal exhibition of the
artist Salvatore Minoliti

Curated by Angela PellicanòTexts

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